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Global Hope – Grind Now Shine Later - Sports Academy

Grind Now Shine Later is a black owned business collective based in Montreal, Canada, focused more on having a positive impact than on profit.

For the last two years GNSL has sponsored the Global Hope Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre in Nairobi, Kenya, whose mandate is to give street boys a second chance in life. This month we are launching a new initiative in partnership with Global Hope, using sport as a motivational and educational tool to help combat Nairobi’s massive street boy issue, named the Global Hope-Grind Now Shine Later- Sports Academy, teaching the boys the value of hard work today, paying off tomorrow.

To help, we are asking you to purchase our Global Hope –Grind Now Shine Later- Sports Academy T-shirts for 25$ as a donation to the initiative. This is a completely non-profit initiative, and GNSL is donating the cost of the shirts themselves to the cause.

If you live in Montreal, we will hand deliver your shirt(s) to your door, but ask you to pay shipping costs if the shirts need to be mailed anywhere outside of town. We will deal with customers in private message on any details and questions you’d like addressed.

Thanks for your support, from the guys with GNSL Montreal & Kenya


Motivational clothing brand with the mission to motivate and inspire you to work hard, through our works and apparel no matter what your grind is.

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